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How to Choose the Best NetSuite Implementation Partner

Undoubtedly, NetSuite is recognized as a leading cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution among innovative companies. However, that’s only if it’s implemented correctly. Implementing a cloud ERP solution like NetSuite is no less than devil in detail if you don’t have experience and right resources to do so. An unsuccessful or rushed implementation can have serious negative consequences like employee frustration, loss of trust in upper management, loss of corporate data, prolonged recovery time after the implementation, and even company failure in some cases.

To ensure successful NetSuite implementation, you need the best NetSuite implementation partner who can optimize your business processes and maximize your ROI. Finding the right partner isn't as easy as it appears. To solve this problem, we are outlining what you should look for in an implementation partner, why it’s important to have an experienced implementation partner and how you can identify the right partner for your company.

How to Choose the Best NetSuite Implementation Partner

NetSuite Implementation Partner?

How to Choose a NetSuite Implementation Partner?

Oracle’s NetSuite is available as software-as-a-service (SaaS). However, It cannot simply be ‘plugged in’ and used immediately. A strategic NetSuite implementation planning starts with choosing the right partner. It’ll provide both short-term and long-term benefits out of your NetSuite investment. Always keep in mind, no two implementation partners are the same; some will be better suited to your company’s needs than others. Many implementation partners have specialization across specific industries and verticals.

Strong business, as well as technical, skills

A successful NetSuite implementation can only be achieved if you’ve strong team of functional as well as technical consultants. Opt for a NetSuite implementation partner that has a team with core technical knowledge of business processes and a deep understanding of NetSuite. Only they can help you get the most value from your investment, it’s imperative to examine their business acumen too.

Proven track record and expertise

It’s imperative for you to ask your implementation partner to demonstrate evidence of how they’ve solved industry problems in the past and deliver results for previous clients. You need to find out how long they’ve been working with NetSuite, how many implementations they’ve done, and make sure you ask for case studies on previous projects.

Quiz them about the main pain points of previous clients and how they tackle them. Also drill them to know how they can ensure that the project will remain within limits and budgets. As well as quizzing them, be sure to ask for client references too.

Successful planning and methodology

According to research by Oracle, “Around 70% of ERP implementation projects fail to stay on schedule or within budget, and two-thirds have a negative return on investment due to cost-overruns.” These problems can be avoided if your NetSuite implementation partner plans appropriately from the start with a structured approach.

This is the era of agile as it allows implementation of new enterprise software while keeping the business running as usual. Make sure that your implementation partner follows agile development methodologies. Also ensure that your partner helps you with NetSuite consulting, implementation, training and support.

Transparency and communication

It would be good if you discuss pricing, no-disclosure, and support during the early phase of discussion. Ask for a single point of contact (Project Manager) so that you can easily address technical problems and issues. It would be good, if your partner gives you permission for direct communication with the team. Get scalability factor into the surface so that you can add more resources to the team whenever required and can also free them if there’s no necessity.

Experience in your industry

Don’t select a partner by going through the long list of clients. Industries vary greatly in terms of processes, regulations, and customization needs. Ensure that your partner has extensive experience not just with NetSuite but also in your industry. Partner with experience in your industry understands and aligns with your individual pain points to address bottlenecks.

Hire AGSuite - An Authorized NetSuite Solution Provider who reduces your pain points

Ultimately, businesses deploying NetSuite need help from a partner that is both an expert in NetSuite, and ready and able to consult on the client company’s pain points and goals. AGSuite is one such partner that has 10+ years of experience in rendering NetSuite Services to diverse industries. To maximize your ROI, our NetSuite consultants first perform “fit-gap” analysis and provide you the exact scope and budget of the project. From NetSuite implementation, optimization, administration, SCA implementation, and allied services, AGSuite offers all the services with high quality and functional expertise. If you wish to know more about us, schedule a free consultation right away.

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