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Decode Your Real Estate Business Challenges With Zoho CRM

A real estate business developer understands the number of responsibilities involved and the challenges in resolving them. Now, can those responsibilities be managed efficiently? Everyone looks out to decode the best solution for their business, be flawless at work and look out for the best comprehensive solution.

Real estate business management is quite intimidating, cumbersome, and time-consuming when carried out manually. One can understand the pile-up of files and diligently done spreadsheets that one hunts even for a small piece of information requested by any customer. It is taxing with a growing number of customers - which is the main objective. But, such obsolete methods limit the robust execution of work slacking off tasks.

Accordingly, the best resolution is to employ a CRM customized for real estate development. In other words, a real estate developer's CRM helps you boost your overall operation by manifolds that are proven by various statistics. Let us look at some of the challenges by real estate developers in their daily lives that are resolved using a tailored CRM called the Zoho CRM for real estate business development.

Decode Your Real Estate Business Challenges With Zoho CRM

The '03 Challenges Faced by Real Estate Developer

Challenges are great to let you emerge from your comfort zone and allow you to soar high. But, you definitely need to look for some way out if it starts disrupting your work. There are several components involved in real estate development. It calls for a keen eye for observing details, and multitasking with systematic data management.

When there is an immense inflow of leads in your records, it is impossible to manage workflow manually. There are grave chances of errors jeopardizing the company's reputation. Let us scan through some of the challenges by a real estate developer.

Property Management

The first and foremost job of a real estate owner is to manage the properties. The process needs to be straightforward with maintaining every minute detail of their developing or ongoing projects.

Furthermore, the developer even needs to track the project development with stage-wise data that must be ready anytime on request. The process involves proper documentation of relevant information pertaining to leads, customers, and various nitty-gritty aspects of the project development.

Most of the data is managed with the help of spreadsheets that require precision and utmost care to refrain from slightest of the mistakes. A small misformation might have a dismissive impact on the business. To avoid such laborious data management, you need an automated system with various managed components designed to facilitate your property management.

Sales Channel Management

The sales process involved in a real estate business is quite extensive. It all starts with an inquiry, multiple site visits followed discussions. A customer might look out for other properties and compare them before coming to a final conclusion. After all, when it is a matter of money, one will be very careful before any concrete decision.

The multiple steps involved in the process require tracking and monitoring of clients at different levels of the sales pipeline. The stepwise tracking along this sales channel is challenging where there is a crucial need for automation to avoid missing out on any sales cycle. After all, buying a property is a significant decision that every customer will be careful of. Hence, the prime requirement of an automated system is essential.

Payment Management

The payment process in a real estate business incorporates amounts received in installments at different stages of construction or any work. Here, there is a prime requirement of payment tracking for all levels of payment made by the customer. It requires keeping a proper check on several components like the date of payment, the amount received at that particular stage, check on payment milestones, and more.

The remittance information requires continuous updating as and when any change happens with proper calculation and keeping the balance on track. A minute inconsistency can result in an overall divergent financial report. Hence, it is of utmost importance to track payment-related information carefully with the help of a regulated system for enhanced accuracy and meticulous calculation.

Key To Real Estate Development Drawbacks with Zoho CRM

To deal with the incoming challenges, the need to adopt a robust CRM system helps manage properties, sales cycle, and monitor payments. Zoho CRM is an effective system that is a pro in customizing your requirements related to real estate development work. It offers the required interface and relevant nomenclatures to execute the operations correctly.

Zoho CRM is the best solution for any business that works to compete with the growing business standard. There are higher chances of boosting the customer satisfaction rate and raising the conversion rate at a varied levels. Zoho CRM centralizes business correspondence and manages work-related processes at full scale. It holds all inquiries in a single place, organizes processes, and creates detailed reports.

Here are a few elements that make Zoho CRM a blessing for real estate business developers.

Better Property Management

Zoho CRM lets you manage your property like an expert. The intuitive CRM dashboard navigates you to various sections that have a clear view of the properties managed by the owner. A single click on the property will traverse you through its complete details that are centrally organized and structurally laid out. You get elaborate information on every building, unit, and details related to the property. There is absolutely no need for any manual work as the automated system is adequate for your property management.

Plan Assembly

To look out for any overwork or losing out on any business information, there is a method to keep track of the status of each unit under development. Color-coded reports signify various stages. These colors give a quick idea of the property status that comes in handy whenever any customer requests any information, thus saving your energy and time.

Sales Channel Management

Managing your sales pipeline is easier as compared to the manual process. The automated system comes with a step-by-step process that is followed to avoid missing data on any stage. Various stages involved in the sales pipeline sails you in the correct direction. The different steps that come to the picture during a sale can be listed as,

  •  Lead Capture - Data is captured and stored under the Lead section as a new lead enters the system through any marketing channel.
  •  Lead Convert - The process involves nurturing the captured leads for a positive conversion.
  •  Allocate Stages - Once a customer enters a deal, the succeeding process starts with a site visit, and simultaneously the action and status are updated.

Payment Regulation

Payment tracking with the help of Zoho CRM is simply a cakewalk. With the automated calculating system for various milestones, remittance in accordance with the development is easy. The amount updated is reflected in the status that gives a clear picture of the total revenue generated and anything pending. Thus, revenue tracking and payment management is pretty simple and secure with Zoho CRM.


The development of the real estate business is pretty interesting and exciting. It is a matter of emotions as it is about achieving an abode for someone and materializing their dreams and aspirations. The real estate industry is the second-largest workers employer with a profitable business. To achieve the desired target, proper execution of business processes definitely brings positive outcomes. Implementing Zoho CRM resolves the prime challenges of property management and the chain of processes related. The CRM is also an affordable choice and user-friendly. So, what is all the wait? Adopt ZOHO CRM for comprehensive real estate business development.

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